Sorry Urban Outfitters. Amazon Sells More Vinyl than You


Last week, the hearts of vinyl enthusiasts sank a little bit after Urban Outfitters CEO, Calvin Hollinger, claimed that his company SAM_14132.jpgwas the world’s biggest vinyl seller.

“Music is very important to the urban customer,” said Hollinger. “In fact, we are the world’s number one vinyl seller.”

Now, the music charting and sales figures aficionados at Billboard have proven the urban fashion and lifestyle chain wrong.

According to a survey conducted by Billboard (which polled record labels, distributors and wholesalers), it was discovered that Amazon is in fact the world’s largest vinyl seller. Amazon was found to hold a 12.3% share of the market, compared to 8.1% for Urban Outfitters. Even though this survey was conducted in the US, Billboard determined that Amazon’s substantial music presence internationally was enough to give them the #1 badge of honour.

While some may frown at the notion that an online hub like Amazon is at the front of the pack, an unnamed music industry executive said that vinyl’s momentum is being generated elsewhere.

He said: “Independent retailers are still the backbone of vinyl’s growth, and they are still selling tons of it. Indies are driving the format’s growth and everyone else is picking up on what they do.”

-Adam Grant

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