Musician ‘Selling’ Albums for Naked Selfies


Somebody pull the cord, because I want off of this bus.

In an interview with FACT, industrial musician Loke Rahbek has declared that he will be selling his next album not for any currency, but LR_photobyJacobHansen220614instead, full-frontal nude selfies. Titled, The Wild Palms, this album will be released under Rahbek’s moniker, Croatian Armor. He says that this tactic is being used as a way to discourage fans from sharing his music.

“When you share your work with someone, it can be like showing your own skin – you are stripping naked,” says Rahbek. “So I ask that anyone who gets the music does not share it with anyone. And I promise in return to not share those photos with anyone. They are going to be in a file, and they are going to stay there. I wanted it to be secret, because you know if we’re talking about intimacy, nothing is stronger than keeping secrets together.”

For those who for some reason don’t find this to be an overtly pretentious, if not a downright obnoxious marketing ploy, can make their purchase by emailing Rahbek at He requests that The Wild Palms be visibly written on each subject’s body.

“I’ve been very interested in coming up with ways that this relationship might be made into something more like a communication,” he explains, noting that the album will be available only until July 22, and that copies are being made on a per-order basis.

It is unclear how the sharing will be monitored, or how Rahbek expects to handle the legal ramifications that can come with publishing naked photos of people online for revenge purposes.

What is clear, however, is that the album’s title now means something very different to

-Adam Grant
-Photo by: Jacob Hansen

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