Foo Fighters Fans Hated Death From Above 1979


If you’ve ever been into Death From Above 1979, it’s hard to imagine that a crowd of semi-likeminded individuals would turn jesse-f-keeler-dfatheir nose up at them. Well, apparently in a far away land many years ago, Foo Fighters fans couldn’t wrap their minds around the chugging sounds of DFA.

In a new interview with Consequence of Sound, band member Jesse F. Keeler was asked if it was possible for a crowd to not move to the music they perform.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “Opening for the Foo Fighters.”

Continued Keeler: “Oh my God, that audience just wanted us to leave… ‘Just get the fuck off of the stage. The Foo Fighters have enough songs – they don’t need you to fill the time. It’s funny because it was so quiet, that between songs you could hear a single person say something like {claps hands} ‘alright, if we clap for too long, they’re going to take too long to get through this.’”

Keeler went on to explain that the same type of behaviour eventually occurred at headlining shows in which they would put on.

“We get these opening bands that we really like…and crowd is doing the same fucking thing. I thought ‘oh no,’ we now have those fans that are like ‘fuck off, get off the stage so we can see Death From Above.’ And I heard them doing it!

“Maybe that’s what happens at a certain point,” he added. “You get this bizarre fan base that is inconvenienced by other music.”

-Adam Grant

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