Donald Trump Goes After Neil Young on Twitter


The Neil Young and Donald Trump feud of 2015 is shaping up to be the most amusing social media donald-trump-neil-young-rockin-free-worldbattle between those we can count as senior citizens. First, Trump used Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World” to announce that he’s running for President, then Young blasted Trump for using it without permission. Subsequently, Young decided to allow democratic Presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders, to use the song for his campaign.

Until last night, Trump remained relatively quiet on the matter. But then, he opened up his Twitter account and laid into Young, calling him a “hypocrite.” Trump’s issue is that the two recently had some business dealings (one would assume for Young’s Pono audio company) and that Young had invited him to a concert.

In true Trump style, he concluded his Twitter-blast by denouncing the very song he was publicly slapped on the wrist for using.

Here’s the thread:

Them be some fighting words!

…It’s your serve Mr. Young.

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