In June, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) confirmed that beginning July 10 (tomorrow), all new..
With “Shark Week,” The Discovery Channel teaches us a lot, including: some people are too stupid..
For the last number of months seemingly every news story to do with Kurt Cobain or Nirvana..
Some bands don’t embrace its tribute acts, but U2 has demonstrated on its current iNNOCENCE..
Coheed and Cambria will release its eighth album, The Color Before the Sun, on October..
Hours before Dave Grohl sat upon his disgustingly cool rock n’ roll throne on Saturday..
This weekend at Roskilde Music Festival in Denmark, Blur‘s Damon Albarn laughed in the face of..
On Saturday night in Washington, D.C., Foo Fighters celebrated its 20th anniversary at a crammed RFK..
After 18 years, the original Veruca Salt lineup is back with Ghost Notes, an impressive 14-song..
On Arcade Fire’s incredible Reflektor tour of 2014, the band was applauded for the range of..
Over the weekend, Glastonbury took over the UK and bands from across many lands came in..
Sweet baby Jesus, this forthcoming Veruca Salt album is shaping up to be a beast…